Book 6: The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning is one of those books you will either love or hate. It’s a prescription for a productive start to the day. Whether you take that medicine is up to you.

This book is actually what inspired me to start getting up early. I realized I spent a lot of time after my kids went to bed just watching videos and sometimes playing games. I’d stay up until after midnight and wake up just barely on time to get my kids to school.

Now I wake up at 5 AM on weekends and 4:30 AM on weekdays. Now I have time to read Torah daily, work on real estate investing, journal, and read books and write posts about them (like this one). All of that happens before anyone else in my house is even awake.


There’s no shortage of motivational quotes you could pull from the book, but as I’m not much for motivational quotes I’ll summarize some of his preface to the main system for Miracle Mornings.

Most people are mediocre. If you read the book, you probably want to be not mediocre. It’s as simple as that.

He also lists a few causes for mediocrity, all of which I agree with:

Mental State

Mental state is critical in starting and continuing work toward long term goals. I have personally found Discipline Equals Freedom to be helpful in preparing mentally to attack personal goals.

The Miracle Morning also focuses on mental state. Hal Elrod mentions that he was able to sleep less simply by altering his mental state before going to sleep. I tried this, and it seems to work, at least somewhat. I doubt I could get by with an hour, but about 6 is just fine. This means I’m asleep by 10:30 PM for my 4:30 AM weekday wakeup.

Part of the psychology behind the Miracle Morning is to create personal success immediately and the move on to success in every other area of life. Speaking of:


Hal goes into a lot of detail on the 6 components of the Miracle Morning, but briefly they are:

It also talks about a 6 minute miracle morning instead of an hour one, and the value of customization.

In my case, I have yet to add in affirmations and visualization, and generally I exercise in the afternoons now. I do the Goruck Sandbag and Ruck training and it can be highly variable in length. My current schedule is:

See Also

Hal has a lot of extra material at his website. If you want to know more, just read the book, it’s really short.

There’s also a few places online you can find the cheat sheet with all 6 of the S.A.V.E.R.S. items listed. This can help guide you when you get started.

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